Like it or not Google rules. Just ask Elizabeth Warren and those fighting for net neutrality. While it seems as if all knowledge is available to you when you pick the right search terms. It’s worth asking if that is true.
I decided to do a search on my own key words, the words I hope you will enter to find my book and access to my coaching services. My goal is to share with you what, and who, is shaping the conversation about small businesses and advising you about success.
Googles home page offers this article from Entrepreneur Magazine’s on line materials (
Entrepreneurs Are Scheduling their Day down to the Minute for Ultimate Success.
Success at being our own boss often requires micromanaging yourself
My Thoughts
My first reaction, and perhaps yours, is ugh. That sounds like life in prison not life as a creative endeavor. Interestingly, the article advocates for the opposite. Suggesting productivity will be increased when an entrepreneur maintains personal relationships, gets enough rest, sticks with a morning routine, takes hourly breaks and stops working in the evening. These points I would agree with.
Once again, all first page information come from Entrepreneur Magazine, abig players. A businessesthat can afford to pay for, SEO and high bid keywords to commandeer the first page position on Google.
Here is advice from another online post titled,
The Beginners Guide to Succeeding at Entrepreneurship
When you have zero experience, zero credentials and zero skills, it is tempting not to try. Do it anyway. You can still win big.
To summarize, here is the advice offered.
My Thoughts
The winning big promise seems to be a bait and switch. The advice has to do with your mindset, your willingness to learn and your ability to manage the risk. Just basic entrepreneurship. Not a magic formula for the big win.
characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit; enterprising.
For a change let’s look at the insights offered by INC Magazine in the article titled,
5 Characteristic of Entrepreneurial Spirit
The Entrepreneurial Spirit isn’t something you are taught,
it’s something you must develop within yourself.
According to this article, entrepreneurial spirit is “something you exhibit every day in how you approach your life and career”.
A person with entrepreneurial spirit will demonstrate these characteristics:
My Thoughts
Does this sound like you? Does this advice fill you with optimism and passion or do you feel a bit of doubt about your abilities? How is Google helping you? Does it leave you positive, energized, motivated? If not, may I suggest you read my hard to find on Google, low cost (At least for the time being) but practical, motivating and useful guide to starting a new business.