Nobody keeps statistics on divorced entrepreneurs.
Can you balance your vision with your current reality?
Nobody keeps statistics on divorced entrepreneurs. Or how many children resent the neglect of their entrepreneurial parents. It is hard to count the emotional costs of thinking and acting big, the shared strain of financial risk, the long-term effects of chronic uncertainly. But I think we can agree these negative consequences of a passionate focus on a business are real.
The truth is, despite the hero status of Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Richard Branson, successful entrepreneurs do not have a special entrepreneurial gene. The truth is, the most successful entrepreneurs may have learned from their early failures but the key to their eventual, admirable success is money. Most successful big-time entrepreneurs have access to money: it may be in the form of discretionary assets to ease the loan process or perhaps they have the kind of friends who can afford to risk a couple of hundred thou on a favor. (These folks also tend to be white, male and highly educated, but you probably already figured that out.)
This is not to say they didn’t work hard, but with the small profits from their first endeavor they were able to capitalize and keep growing. If they didn’t have a trust fund or family money, they were forced to start small and build. You too can follow this less risky path, and with small successes you may find your access to money improves.
The average cost for a business startup is $30,000. Keep this figure in mind as you imagine business success.
It can be helpful to do some self-examination before you imagine a future that could cost $30,000 and may or may not bring you what you truly want. You might want to check out this video before you begin; you may discover some popular values are not really valuable.
When you are ready to do your own thinking, refer to this list to help you determine your personal values. You may find your family or a meaningful life’s purpose is more important to you than fame, or wealth or being the boss.
Once you are clear about what you really value, you can revisit your limitless vision knowing what you truly want. Then, as you explore your call to be an entrepreneur, you can begin to envision a business that will be profitable and bring you the success you truly want.
If after looking at and thinking about the values list, if you are still not clear about your values or values in general and what your personal values have to do with your business. You will learn much more when you read my book.
I can’t stress enough the value of knowing yourself well before you embark on a business startup.When you’ve completed your values self-examination, please let me know if and how it was helpful to you.