
January 14, 2019

A Practical Solution to Paying Off Debt

Okay, so you want to pay off your debt. Of course, you do. Imagine the impact it will have on your life! But you’ve confronted the reality of your circumstances and found that, in your daily life, there are just no luxury lattes, just no expenses that can be eliminated […]
December 5, 2018

How to Know If Your Business Is A Success

It is getting toward the end of the year. As the leader of your business it is time to take stock of your progress this year. If you’ve been thinking about your life, your values and what constitutes a meaningful life to you, now is the time to take a […]
December 5, 2018

Use Creative Tension to Cultivate Creativity

Creative tension is essentially a structure that helps to facilitate creativity and change. I advocate using creative tension to motivate yourself to build the life and the business you desire. Let me explain: you create a measure of discomfort when you clearly articulate your vision and compare your vison to […]
December 5, 2018

Review and Renew your Vision (Quick Exercise)

The key to building a vision that will motivate you and initiate creative tension in your life is to use your imagination. In my book and on this blog, I’ve offered you detailed instructions to help you clarify and document your vision for your life and business, but, if you […]